"The Shining" is based on Stephen King's novel of the same name, which revolves around the Torrance family's experiences in the haunted Overlook Hotel.Freddy Krueger, with his burned face and razor glove, haunts the dreams of the teens in the town, seeking vengeance."The Exorcist" is a classic horror film centered around the demonic possession of a young girl named Regan and her subsequent exorcism.Alfred Hitchcock, known as the master of suspense, directed "The Birds," a film about mysterious bird attacks on people."The Ring" follows a cursed videotape that, when watched, dooms the viewer to die in seven days unless they copy and share it.The "Saw" series features Jigsaw, a terminally ill man who designs elaborate death traps to test his victims' will to live."Child's Play" introduces Chucky, a doll possessed by the spirit of a serial killer, causing havoc and terror."The Conjuring" is based on real-life paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren and their case in a haunted house in Rhode Island.The "Paranormal Activity" series revolves around a family tormented by a demon named Toby through various home footage tapes.Michael Myers is the masked antagonist of the "Halloween" series, returning to his hometown to commit a series of murders."Ringu" is a Japanese horror film about a cursed videotape. Those who watch it die in seven days unless they show it to another person."It," based on Stephen King's novel, is set in Derry, Maine, where children are haunted by a malevolent entity named Pennywise."Poltergeist" revolves around the Freeling family, whose home becomes haunted by ghosts communicating through their television."The Grudge" is an American remake of the Japanese film "Ju-on," focusing on a curse created by the death of Kayako."The Amityville Horror" is based on the purported real-life experiences of the Lutz family, who claimed to have encountered supernatural occurrences in their home in Amityville, New York.Obtuviste 0 de 15Obtuviste 1 de 15Obtuviste 2 puntos sobre 15Obtuviste 3 de 15Obtuviste 4 puntos sobre 15Obtuviste 5 de 15Obtuviste 6 de 15Obtuviste 7 de 15Obtuviste 8 de 15Obtuviste 9 de 15Obtuviste 10 de 15Obtuviste 11 de 15Obtuviste 12 de 15Obtuviste 13 de 15Obtuviste 14 de 15Obtuviste 15 de 15
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Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
¡Simplemente dinos quién eres para ver tus resultados!

Which movie is based on Stephen King's novel about a haunted hotel?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Who is the main antagonist in the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which movie features a possessed girl named Regan?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which of these movies was directed by Alfred Hitchcock?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
In which movie does a videotape curse its viewers with a seven-day death sentence?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which film series is about a killer who sets intricate traps for his victims?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which movie's villain is a doll named Chucky?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which movie is about a haunted house in Rhode Island investigated by Ed and Lorraine Warren?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which film is about a family haunted by a malevolent spirit named Toby?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which movie's antagonist is a masked killer named Michael Myers?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which movie features a haunted videotape originating from Japan?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which horror film is set in the fictional town of Derry, Maine?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which movie features a family's TV set that becomes a gateway for evil spirits?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
In which movie does a journalist investigate a series of mysterious deaths connected to a ghost named Kayako?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
Which horror movie is inspired by the real-life story of the Lutz family in Amityville, New York?
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Horror movies have been keeping us on the edge of our seats for decades, from spine-chilling classics to modern-day terrors. Whether it's a haunted hotel in the snowy mountains or a malevolent doll causing chaos, these films have become iconic in their own right. But how well do you remember the screams, plots, and legendary monsters? This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of some of the most memorable moments in horror cinema. Are you ready to face the fear and prove you're a true horror aficionado? Take the plunge... if you dare!