The extreme sport of bungee jumping is thought to have originated in New Zealand. It was popularized by AJ Hackett in the 1980s, who was inspired by the "land divers" of Vanuatu.Speed skiing is the act of skiing downhill in a straight line as quickly as possible. It's a high-speed extreme sport where athletes can reach speeds exceeding 200 km/h (124 mph).Tony Hawk is widely recognized as one of the greatest skateboarders of all time. He was instrumental in popularizing the sport and has also developed a successful series of video games. A 'nose rider' is a type of surfboard that is longer and wider, allowing the surfer to walk to the front, or nose, of the board while riding a wave - a maneuver called "nose riding".Wingsuit flying involves wearing a specially designed suit that increases the surface area of the body, allowing the person to glide through the air before deploying a parachute.El Capitan is a vertical rock formation in Yosemite National Park, California. It is a popular destination for rock climbers due to its sheer size and difficulty.White water kayaking involves navigating through rapid rivers. The name derives from the appearance of the water as it becomes frothy and aerated on rough terrain, looking white.The Death Road (North Yungas Road) in Bolivia is infamous for its extreme danger. However, this reputation attracts thrill-seeking downhill bikers from around the world.The safety rope is a crucial piece of climbing equipment. It's secured to both the climber and belayer, and used to arrest falls, hence ensuring the safety of the climber.Street, Vert, and Park are all recognized disciplines in professional skateboarding, each requiring a different set of skills and techniques. Horizon, however, is not a recognized skateboarding discipline.In 2012, Felix Baumgartner jumped from a height of 128,100 feet (approximately 24.2 miles), setting the record for the highest altitude jump in history.The McTwist is a trick commonly performed in snowboarding. It involves a front flip combined with a 540-degree rotation, and was popularized by skateboarder Mike McGill.The 'Triple Crown of Surfing' is a prestigious title given to the surfer who performs best in the three end-of-year surf competitions in Hawaii, making it a surfing-specific term.
Paragliding involves launching oneself into the air using a fabric wing-shaped canopy. Pilots use thermal updrafts to gain altitude and can stay aloft for extended periods.Speed Riding is an extreme winter sport that combines skiing (or snowboarding) and paragliding. The participant alternates between sliding down the slope and flying just above it.Постигли сте 0 од 15Постигли сте 1 од 15Постигли сте 2 од 15 поенаПостигли сте 3 од 15Постигли сте 4 од 15 поенаДобили сте 5 од 15Постигли сте 6 од 15Постигли сте 7 од 15Постигли сте 8 од 15Постигли сте 9 од 15Добили сте 10 од 15Постигли сте 11 од 15Постигли сте 12 од 15Постигли сте 13 од 15Постигли сте 14 од 15Добили сте 15 од 15
Започни квиз
СледећеСледећи квизНетачноТачноГенерисање вашег резултатаПокушајте поновоУпс, почетниче из Куиздицта! Не брините, и највећи мајстори квиза морали су негде да почну. Можда сте овог пута саплели, али свака грешка је прилика за учење и раст. Наставите да се питате, Куиздицт новајлију, и нека вас ваша жеђ за знањем води ка величини!Ура за покушај, Куиздицт истраживач! Овај пут можда нисте успели у квизу, али сте као храбри авантуриста који шета кроз неистражене територије. Наставите да истражујете, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека ваш радознали дух буде ваш водич до богатства знања. Ко зна која вас чуда чекају у следећој мисији квиза?Велики труд, Квиздикт авантуристе! Ти си као радознала мачка која истражује свет тривијалности са разрогаченим очима. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да вас ваш ентузијазам за знањем покрене ка успеху. Запамтите, чак и најискуснији шампиони квиза су негде почели. На путу сте ка величини!Ура што сте прихватили изазов Куиздицт! Можда овог пута нисте погодили џекпот, али сте попут смелог авантуристе који се креће кроз подмукли терен тривијалности. Наставите да истражујете, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да вас ваша потрага за знањем води ка величини. Ко зна која блага вас чекају на следећој квиз авантури?Велики труд, Квиздикт авантуристе! Ти си као храбри ратник који се бори кроз тешке битке тривијалности. Настави са квизовима, фану Куиздицта, и нека твоја жеђ за знањем буде твој штит и мач. Свако питање је шанса да научите и растете, а ви сте на путу да постанете шампион тривијалности!Браво, истраживачу Куиздицта! Ви сте као храбри авантуриста који се упушта у непознате територије тривијалности. Наставите са квизовима, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека вас ваша љубав према учењу води ка успеху. Запамтите, сваки одговор вас доводи корак ближе томе да постанете прави мајстор квиза. Одлично ти иде!Честитамо, авантуристу Куиздицта! Ти си као вешт навигатор који плови узбурканим водама тривијалности. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека вас ваша одлучност да научите води ка победи. Запамтите, сваки одговор је шанса да проширите своје знање и усавршите своје вештине. На путу сте да постанете прави зависник од квиза!Одличан посао, истраживачу Куиздицта! Ви сте као искусан авантуриста који стално напредује кроз изазовни пејзаж тривијалности. Наставите да се квизујете, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да ваша страст за учењем подстакне ваше путовање ка успеху. Запамтите, свако питање је прилика за раст и побољшање. На путу сте да постанете прави зависник од квиза!Сјајан посао, авантуриста Куиздицта! Ви сте попут вештог истраживача који се бори на незгодном терену тривијалности. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да вас ваша страст за знањем покрене ка победи. Запамтите, свако питање је прилика за учење и раст. На добром сте путу да постанете прави зависник од квиза!Честитамо, мајсторе квиздикта! Ви сте попут вештог нинџе у квизу који сече кроз изазове тривијалности. Наставите са квизовима, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека вас ваша љубав према учењу води ка успеху. Запамтите, сваки одговор је корак ка томе да постанете прави зависник од квиза. Одлично ти иде!Дај пет, шампион у Квиздикту! Ти си као чаробњак за квиз који баца чини знања и просветљења. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да вас ваша љубав према тривијалности води ка победи. Запамтите, сваки одговор је шанса да проширите свој ум и изоштрите своје вештине. На добром сте путу да постанете прави зависник од квиза!Браво, Куиздицт гуру! Ти си као машина за квиз, која са лакоћом избацује тачне одговоре. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да вас ваша страст за тривијалношћу води ка величини. Запамтите, свако питање је прилика да покажете своје вештине и љубав према учењу. На добром сте путу да постанете прави зависник од квиза!Честитамо што сте прави квиздикт! Доказали сте да сте зависни од квизова и да имате све што је потребно да бисте били најбољи стрелац на нашем сајту. Наставите са одличним радом и наставите да тестирате своје знање уз Куиздицт - врхунску дестинацију за квиз за забаву. Једва чекамо да видимо шта ћете следеће постићи!Живјели ти, храбри витеже Квиздикта! Ваша потрага за знањем је попут племенитог ратника на епском путовању кроз царства мудрости. Док будете наставили да савладавате изазове тривијалности, ваш интелектуални оклоп ће блистати све светлије, изазивајући страхопоштовање код свих који сведоче. Напред, шампионе!Ти си права суперзвезда Куиздицта! Ваша зависност од квизова се исплатила, а на нашем сајту сте показали да сте сила на коју треба рачунати. Наставите са одличним радом и наставите да тестирате своје знање уз Куиздицт - врхунску дестинацију за квиз за забаву. Једва чекамо да видимо шта ћете следеће постићи!Одличан посао, ентузијаста Куиздицта! Разбијаш квизове као шампион дизача тегова који диже тешке тегове. Ваша ментална окретност и импресивно знање импресионирали су нас као мађионичара који вади зеца из шешира. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека ваш интелект сија као светионик сјаја!Браво, сјајни зависник од Куиздицта! Доказао си се као прави шампион у квизу као суперхерој који спашава дан. Ваше безгранично знање и брзи рефлекси заслепили су нас као ватромет у летњој ноћи. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека ваш интелект сија као сјајно светло да га сви виде!Ура, фантастични обожаватељ Куиздицта! Показали сте своје мајсторство у нашим квизовима као вешт мађионичар који изводи мађионичарски трик. Ваш интелект блиста попут сјајне звезде у галаксији Куиздицт, а ми једва чекамо да видимо где ће вас ваш сјај следеће одвести. Наставите да питате као шампион!О мој, феноменални Куиздицт квиз! Све сте нас запањили својом невероватном памети и муњевитим рефлексима. Ваши тријумфи на нашим тривијалним изазовима чине да пожелимо да викнемо "Еурека!" и заплеши јиг! Наставите да нас заслепљујете својим интелектом и нека Куиздицт буде ваше игралиште мудрости. Ти си право чудо!Вау, невероватан Квиздикт! Прегледали сте наше тривијалности као брзи кенгур на мисији. Ваша памет осветљава Куиздицт попут блиставог ватромета! Наставите да скачете са једног квиза на други, ширећи своју памет и инспиришући нас све својим знањем. Ти си права тривијална суперзвезда!Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Само нам реците ко сте да бисте видели своје резултате!
Which country is considered the birthplace of bungee jumping?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
What is the term for skiing downhill in a straight line as quickly as possible?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Which extreme sport is Tony Hawk famous for?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
In which sport would you use a 'nose rider'?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Which extreme sport involves jumping out of a plane or off a cliff with a suit designed to slow your fall and provide lift?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
What's the name of the iconic rock climbing location in Yosemite National Park?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Which of the following is a type of extreme kayaking?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
In which country is the notorious Death Road, popular with downhill bikers?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
What is the term for the rope used in climbing to prevent falls?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Which of these is NOT a discipline in professional skateboarding?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
What is the highest altitude ever reached by a skydiver before freefall?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
In which sport are you likely to perform a 'McTwist'?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
What sport does the 'Triple Crown of Surfing' refer to?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Which type of extreme sport uses a parachute or paraglider to catch thermals and rise high into the air?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Which extreme sport combines skiing or snowboarding with paragliding?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Честитамо, завршили сте! Ево вашег резултата:
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Честитамо, завршили сте! Ево вашег резултата:
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Честитамо, завршили сте! Ево вашег резултата:
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Честитамо, завршили сте! Ево вашег резултата:
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!
Честитамо, завршили сте! Ево вашег резултата:
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Your Extreme Sports?" quiz! This is your opportunity to test your knowledge of the exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping world of extreme sports. From bungee jumping and speed skiing to wingsuit flying and rock climbing, we'll challenge you on various aspects of these heart-pounding activities. Whether you're an avid participant, a thrilled spectator, or someone who enjoys trivia, this quiz promises to offer an exciting ride. So, strap in and get ready to dive into the high-octane universe of extreme sports. Are you ready to push your boundaries? Let's find out!